Alexandre Mérieux and bioMérieux Brazil commit to helping São Paulo’s children
Call For Projects 2024
bioMérieux Philippines teams commit to helping children in Manila's slums
bioMérieux Africa teams commit to helping children in Mathare slum in East Nairobi, Kenya
Building Brighter Futures: First Formal School in Saga Slum
An inspiring visit to Minhang Children’s Activity Center
Nariz Roja - Mexico
Rasks Thai Foundation by CARE - Thailand
Roots Institute Centre
Asia-Pacific Projects
ASPAC Regional Coordinator
“Children from 0-8 need a proper education as their childhood impacts their entire lives. If we can enhance their early childhood education and bring enough love and attention, they will be more confident and understand the importance of education moving forward. There's still more to do, but our projects in the Asia Pacific already make a difference to the children we support and their family members.”
Save The Children - China
For over 100 years, Save the Children has been advancing children's rights worldwide.
Children of the Mekong - Philippines
Children of the Mekong is a French nonprofit that has been working to provide schooling for the poorest children in Southeast Asia since 1958
CARE - Thailand
CARE fights poverty and inequality by providing emergency humanitarian and development assistance in more than 100 countries