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bioMérieux Philippines Teams Commit to Helping Children in Manila's Slums

Let’s watch a video that perfectly illustrates what drives the bioMérieux Endowment Fund: Having a positive and lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged children thanks to the commitment of bioMérieux teams.

In partnership with Children of the Mekong, the Fund is present in nine locations and supports more than 620 children living in slums. Our three main fields of action focus on the following needs:

 -sanitary and hygiene

- fundamental education

- support for parenthood.

Some 30 bioMérieux Philippines volunteers visited a slum in Manila to deliver food, participate in educational workshops and distribute hygiene kits.

We would also like to salute the much-needed work of ANAK-Tnk, whose mission is to provide daily support to the most vulnerable children in Manila.