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bioMérieux Africa Teams Commit to Helping Children in Mathare Slum in East Nairobi, Kenya

The Endowment Fund is proud to support the Roots Institute Centre, a Community Based Organization in the Mathare slum in East Nairobi, Kenya

The slum is home to over 850.000 people. With an average income of well below 2€ per day, many adults struggle to provide food and basic needs for their children.

Our common project called "Learning with Dignity" aims to provide free education (pre-school and primary), nutritious meals and a safe environment for vulnerable children within the Mathare Kosovo Community.
Our local team in charge of monitoring the project launched the first major step by visiting the school to meet the professionals and children.

“Africa Team will do everything that is needed to make sure we can help more. This school is a game changer for 310 little kids. We could believe that it is [only] a drop in the ocean, but no, it is the biggest hope we bring to some of the poorest kids in the world!” Marc Haribou, Senior Vice President Africa.
